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Kiddiewinks Soft Play FAQ's

If you don't find the answer to your question below, don't worry, give one of the team a call on 01708 760 714 or drop us an email at and we'll be happy to help out.

10 am – 5 pm (last admission 4 pm for one hour play ONLY) Monday to Wednesday

10 am - 6:30pm (last admission 5 pm for one and half hours play ONLY) Thursday & Friday 

9 am – 5 pm (last admission 4 pm for one hour play ONLY) Saturday

10 am – 4 pm (last admission 3 pm for one hour play ONLY) Sunday

Please book on line prior to your visit. This will avoid private hires, parties and events

Don't worry, we're air conditioned so your little ones will stay cool whilst playing.

Both children and adults must be wearing socks whilst on the main playframe and in the toddler area.

Clothes with cords that could get caught in the play equipment should not be worn in the play area.

9- 17 year olds can not go on the play frame under any circumstances. Yes. Mini – winks strictly up to the age of 3 years old ONLY. The main playframe is designed for children 3 years to 8 years old and over up to 1.48m tall.
Adults are allowed on the playframe for supervision purposes only if required.
Children in excess of the 1.48m height restriction are not allowed on the play frame even for supervisory purposes.
The separate toddler area is strictly for 3's and under only with adult supervision at all times. Please note, older children are not permitted to supervise or play with younger children in the Toddler Area.

Leaving Kiddiewinks is permitted only to use the adjacent toilets with your child as security is of utmost importance to everyone using the play area. If you do need to leave the play area please ensure your child is looked after by another responsible adult or take them with you please.


Yes. The main playframe is designed for children aged 3 years to 8 years and up to a maximum height of 1.48cm. Adults are allowed on the playframe for supervision purposes only if required.

Children in excess of the 1.48m height restriction are not allowed on the play frame even for supervisory purposes.

At quieter times, children aged under 4 may play on the main playframe with adult supervision at all times. The slides are not recommended for this age group.

The Mini Winks designated toddler area is strictly for 3's and under only with adult supervision at all times. Please note, older children are not permitted to supervise or play with younger children in the Toddler Area.

We wont tolerate bad behaviour, we are fair but may ask you to leave if a situation becomes unacceptable.

Entry will be refused to any person we consider is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The venue is strictly no smoking, no drinking alcohol, no drugs and no vaping.

We have a baby area for non walking babies ONLY. Kiddiewinks Soft Play is designed for 0-8 years old. The under 3s have their own separate area. Height resitriction of 1.48m.

Only drinks and packaged snacks purchased from the Kiddiewinks Kitchen are to be consumed within the play areas designated seating area. 

No food or drink is permitted in the the soft play equipment areas.

There is a large multistory car park linked via a covered bridge to the Romford Shopping Hall.
You'll also find plenty of metered parking in the market area on non market days. Please note that due to the outdoor market in the Market Place, on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday there is no parking in the Market Place. Lots of parking available at the Britannia Car Park Ducking Stool Court - less than 1 min walk to Kiddiewinks. Please leave buggies in the car if possible - limited space for these!
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An adult is classed as a parent or guardian over the age of 18 and this is for the safety and security of the children.


Under 6 Months are FREE

6 Months - 11 Months are £2

1 - 8 Years are £9

Adults are FREE! click here….

Any child 6 months-8 Years will be charged entry if using the equipment or not.  We have a baby area specifically designed for pre crawlers, with lights and mirrors.

Unfortunately our insurance only covers us for children up to the age of 8 years old. Your older child is welcome to accompany you but unfortunately will be asked to NOT use the equipment to keep our smaller visitors safe whilst playing.

They will not be charged an entry fee but will be asked to take a seat if found on the equipment. Thank you for your co-operation